Case studies

International dealer information management

Case studies

International dealer information management

Our customer wants to provide its European dealer organisation with quick, targeted and personalised information.

The challenge

  • The customer discovered that the dealer organisation was having to deal with the same constantly recurring challenges and patterns of errors across different countries.
  • Identified solutions and best practices need to be provided for the European markets in the national language of the countries in question.
  • The information needs to be prepared, personalised and sent by e-mail and via various media formats to the employees who are directly affected.
  • With the aim of creating a constantly improving process, it should be possible for recipients to offer feedback on the information that is provided.

The Promata solution

  • Based on the requirements catalogue, Promata decided not to use common newsletter providers but to develop its own solution.
  • The solution comprises a specially programmed recipient administration system, a multifunction portal to provide the media contents with the possibility of submitting feedback/assessments, and a partially automated mail workflow.
  • This tool allows Promata to respond to current customer issues, to process and translate these issues and to contact the target group, all at short notice.

The result

  • An information channel accepted throughout Europe was established with the process that was set up together.
  • The customer is now able to identify a problem, to describe a solution on a centralised basis and to distribute this to the relevant target groups throughout Europe within a week.
  • This produces a significant increase in efficiency and quality when developing solutions for challenges.
  • And this results in turn in higher satisfaction in the dealer organisation and among the end customers.


interaction rate in %


score from recipients (out of 5)


days on average from engagement to dispatch

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